Publication Support

Malaysian Journal of Geosciences

Publication Support Services

Enable your success in achieving journal publication

Journal Selection

 What You Provide 

  • The manuscript
  • Desired impact factor (IF) (optional)

 What We Provide 

Choosing the appropriate journal for publishing is very crucial but tedious process. You may have obtained excellent set of results, but if you submit to a journal whose scope and target audience are irrelevant, there is a little chance of getting published. Our experienced editors, (some of them are also reviewer of reputed journals) with vast experience in editing and publishing articles, will help you to select the correct journal where the chances of getting your work published is maximum. They will shortlist 4-5 journals, which suit your requirement. They consider certain factors while selecting appropriate journals for your manuscript. Here we list few factors as example:

  • Is the journal peer-reviewed?
  • Scope of the journal.
  • Does it publish original research or review papers?
  • Impact factor of the journal.
  • Average citation index of papers published in the journal.
  • Average duration of review process.
  • Does it have online submission system?
  • Cost of publication (color page charges, etc.).
  • Readership and circulation of the journal (regional/global).

We match these points with your requirement and shortlist 5-6 journals for you. Depending on your requirements, you can choose one from the list of appropriate journals to submit your manuscript.

Journal Submission

 What You Provide 

  • The correctly formatted manuscript
  • The target journal

 What We Provide 

Several steps have to be followed before a manuscript is submitted for considering publication in a certain journal, and the submission process varies journal to journal. This is a tedious process and sometimes difficult to understand the submission procedure and technical requirements. We step in here to help you submit your manuscript successfully following each steps carefully. Additionally, we also monitor the manuscript status throughout the entire peer review and publication processes. Here is how the entire process works

  • Register and create an account for you in the journal’s webpage for online submission.
  • Complete all the forms in the journal submission process.
  • Does it publish original research or review papers?
  • Write a compelling cover letter to the journal elucidating the novelty of your work.
  • Fill the patients consent form, copyright transfer form, and ethics statement.
  • Obtain the list of prospective reviewers from you and fill the corresponding form.
  • Alert the author of any missing information required for the journal submission.
  • Upload your manuscript along with figures and tables correctly.
  • Check the pdf of uploaded manuscript and approve submission.
  • Communicate with the journal editor on your behalf.
  • Provide you the detail information related to the journal submission.

Response to Reviewers

What You Provide 

  • The scientific information asked by the reviewers
  • A rough draft containing all the answers of the questions asked by the reviewers

 What We Provide 

Almost no article get accepted without revision. Peer-reviewers raise their concern to the suitability of the content to get published. In order to improve the quality of the content further they raise important questions which need to be answered by the author. At this stage, it is very important to understand and correctly interpret the reviewer’s comments, make desired revision of the manuscript, submit a cover letter and clearly communicate and make point-wise response to reviewer’s queries. Our expert will assist to present your “response to reviewer” in the best possible manner.

  • Obtain the desired scientific information and response to the reviewers comments from you.
  • Edit and polish the response substantively in consultation with you to enhance its quality.
  • Ensure correct English usage.
  • Maintain correct tone.
  • Prepare a suitable cover letter.
  • Upload the responses in the journals webpage.

Pre-Submission Peer-Reviewing

The aim of this service is to help in evaluating the suitability of a manuscript purely from a subject experts (peer) point of view, detailing mostly the scientific inadequacy/adequacy/suggestions for improving the manuscript etc. Since no editing is involved, hence, there is no change in your manuscript. We only provide suggestions and expert comments in “Track-change” mode. Some of the questions to be addressed here are:

  • Is the Title crisp and catchy to draw attention of the reader?
  • Does the Abstract adequately represent the contents of the paper?
  • Is the Introduction/background sound and logical as a context for the study?
  • Is the research question framed appropriately, i.e., is the motivation of the study clear and concise?
  • Is the Methodology described in detail?
  • Are the presented data adequate or is there a need for some additional study?
  • Whether there is a clear differentiation between Results and Discussion sections.
  • Has the Discussion made in relation to the published literature and/or fundamental basis, and is not just a mere repetition of the Results section?
  • Do the Conclusions clearly reflect the salient findings of the study?
  • Are the references updated and adequate?


This service does not guarantee acceptance of manuscript for publication but it guides you to improve the quality of your manuscript.

Poster Design & Creation

In large conferences, you often have to communicate your research results through a single poster. Posters are an important method of communicating medical and scientific research. Unlike in an oral presentation, you are required to arrange the results in a condensed format.

But creating an effective poster can be challenging because you may have to squeeze your results from a year’s worth of research onto a 3-by-5-foot sheet of paper. It is imperative that the posters are needed to be visually appealing to attract more attention. It requires very sound skills in design and layout of the contents with right Color combination to create a good poster. Sometimes it may be burdensome and difficult for you to create an effective poster because of want of time. We can help you in creating your poster. You can focus your time on your manuscript and we take all your burden of poster writing and designing.

Our editors and layout designers are highly experienced in arranging the contents of your manuscript in a condensed format into a visually appealing poster of different sizes as per your requirement. We provide you the electronic copy of the completed poster, which you can directly print.

Given below are the details of poster creation and design service at Manuscriptedit:

  • Choose or design template of desired size.
  • Select a suitable layout.
  • Decide headings, text boxes and graphic objects.
  • Formatting and typesetting text and figures.
  • Decide appropriate size of text and figures.
  • Optimize color combinations.

Our writers and editors regularly present papers and posters in academic conferences. You can simply provide your content and they will make attractive posters with professional look for you.

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